

Wednesday, 5 November 2014

Daily: P1 Nostalgic Nation Blog Post

So, I decided to have a little adventure when I received an email from P1 on a specific task, 'P1 Nostalgic Nation'. Basically, all the tasks were to relive our childhood memories where we didn't have tablets, computers or smartphones back then. 

We were required to complete three tasks over the span of three weeks and I'll just include it below to those who are curious.

Week 1 : Fold A Boat

Fold a paper boat and let it float in water. Try to see how much weight it can hold before sinking and post it up on Facebook with the hashatg #P1NostalgicNation, #P1Connect, #FoldABoat.

(For this task, we decided to head out to the nearest park and we tried to load the paper boat with stones and twigs. It wasn't eay to be honest, but I was amazed and surprised at how much a paper boat can withstand before it sinks!)

Week 2: Fold A Plane

Fold a paper plane and see how far it can fly. Film it and post it on Facebook with the hashtag #P1NostalgicNation, #P1Connect, #FoldAPlane.

(We made a paper plane out of some recycled paper we found and after many tries, we finally made the perfect one. We decided to throw it downstairs in our university's Atrium as it was the only open space we could find HAHA! We probably caused a scare among some people who were walking downstairs oopsie :)

Week 3: Make A Fall

Make a parachute and attach something to it. Record it falling down and post it on Facebook with the hashtag #P1NostalgicNation, #P1Connect, #MakeAFall.

(Oh, so for this we experimented quite some time with different materials and finally decided on plastic bags, paper fold bin and some thread. Tada!)

Here's my version of all three tasks! Special thanks goes out to Jason for being my partner in crime for this and yes, we did well! 

All in all, it was a great experience as I got to de-stress from usual university routine. We went to the park and got to enjoy a bit of nature thanks to this task :) Thank you P1!

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