In with the new.
Waving goodbye. Farewell. Shall I let the pictures do the talking? Of course.
So, it was the Editorial Board Farewell. The whole thing was extremely awesome.
So, it was the Editorial Board Farewell. The whole thing was extremely awesome.
Our signage.

Us. Cheng Ken and I. I'm starting to love mirrors. Guess why?

The early birds.
Daniel, Alia, Jet, Kylie and Yee Ming.

Guess who. =)
Dearest editor and I.

Siew Jinnnnn and I. The nicest head prefect. =)
Indian. We all know why right? Obviously.


The reception table. And, the awesome souvenirs.


The queen of photoshop, Kylie and I.

Diane giving her lovely speech. I like her dresssss

Puan Noraini.
Puan Ng.

The emcee, Cheng Ken.

Puan Ng and Puan Lee.

Puan Aniza and Puan Noraini.

I love this picture. The Ollie people. =)
Eugene, Daryl, Yee Ming and Jet.
Ee Lyn and Wei Ann.

Elaine and Erin.

Durrah, Alia, Farhana and Syarifah

Afzan, Mel, Ee Laine, Kylie, Juls

Cheng Ken-ay and I.

Karmzee Darling.
My fellow Ollie, Diane. =)
Niro and I.

My darling H.O.D, Mel.

Guess what this was supposed to be. =)

Karmzee, Diane, CK and I.
The one and only awesome JULS. =)
Us. Cheng Ken and I. I'm starting to love mirrors. Guess why?
The early birds.
Daniel, Alia, Jet, Kylie and Yee Ming.
Guess who. =)
Siew Jinnnnn and I. The nicest head prefect. =)
The reception table. And, the awesome souvenirs.
The queen of photoshop, Kylie and I.
Puan Noraini.
The emcee, Cheng Ken.
Puan Ng and Puan Lee.
Puan Aniza and Puan Noraini.
I love this picture. The Ollie people. =)
Elaine and Erin.
Durrah, Alia, Farhana and Syarifah
Afzan, Mel, Ee Laine, Kylie, Juls
Cheng Ken-ay and I.
Karmzee Darling.
My darling H.O.D, Mel.
Guess what this was supposed to be. =)
Karmzee, Diane, CK and I.
That will be all.
Till next time, dearest.
And I still have assignments for s&s. I'm not complaining, i'm enjoying every moment of it.
Till next time, dearest.
And I still have assignments for s&s. I'm not complaining, i'm enjoying every moment of it.
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