Anyway, we reached there earlier than the stated time for bloggers. Dinner was served and it was really good. There were so many choices and being the glutton I am, i was having a field day. Hahaha, jokingggg :D
My sister and I (Yes, I know I look so sleepy LOL)
Our seats weren't that far away from stage, but honestly I wished we got seats that were nearer. But, being there is good enough. The musical started off with a dramatic entrance from the amazing cast. I have got to say that the cast had great vocal skills and I was truly mesmerised by them. Singing as good as them would be difficult for an aspiring wannabe like me, but I truly hope I can be a little like them one day HAHA! The story line was pretty typical I would say but corny is the in thing now isn't it? :D The dancers did a good job, executing every move perfectly.
Sometimes, I really wonder how they could remember the steps, it must be hard work I guess :)
I'm sorry guys, this time photo-taking is prohibited when the show was on, so i couldn't take any.
That's all, can't wait for the next musical already!